Wow!!! Definitely gonna make a trip to play that course. How much is a green fee?
Exactly! People need to get over this! Tiger is not the first, and damn sure won't be the last athlete to cheat on his spouse!
First Tiger is garbage, and now you think LJ is disrespecting the sport of basketball? WOW!!!
I agree SF. I hope he shatters every record in the books. It's amazing how people think he's the anti-christ now because of what he's done....
And since you love stats so much, here's some for your 3 amigo's theory: Mark Jackson career stats over 9 seasons: 342 rec 5,551 yds 29...
But here's some stats for you that i guess you don't consider to be viable: When Elway retired he had the NFL record for wins as a starting QB....
Well genius, in the 4 SB yrs of Montana i think his most TDs in a yr was 28 and had double digit INTs in 3 of them. Twice his QB rating in the...
when I referred to montana's stats, I meant regular season. According to your other thread his reg. season stats were ok. But he shined in the...
Damn, that must take up the whole page! :thumb:
Payton was a HORRIBLE coach the last two years. Anybody with a brain could see that. Payton even admitted that changes had to be made to get...
Not so fast my friend! I could care less about stats. John Elway is one of the best big game QBs of all-time. He was the master of the 4th...
According to the so called "experts", Manning is/will be the best QB of all-time. I can agree with that on one condition. If you say best...
Have you followed Manning's career at all? In college he couldn't beat Florida. In the NFL he couldn't beat the Pats until his Super Bowl...
I've always hated Manning for this very reason. Next to Delhomme, he's the biggest crybaby pu$$y in the NFL that loves to throw his teammates...
You're kidding right???
Kobe will NEVER equal MJ. That's phucking rediculous to even think that. Kobe's not even the best Laker of all-time. Gimme a break.
you did way better than the healthcare talks on cspan we were promised! :thumb:
Exactly. We're hosting the NFC Championship game. Nuff said.
Revis should have won this award by a mile. He's the best defensive player in the game, period. Just look at all the great WR he totally shut...