They also gave $1 million+ to the Bush library at aTm a few years back. (The one time I'd like to see what kind of dirt Rex and his loons can dig...
For muslims, yes.
Then where would all the illegal aliens work?
Bush needs to suck it up and prove his case to Congress on this one. If they have in fact done the research, then evidence should be available to...
Different state, but you get the idea.
I believe you would have a very difficult time proving that. Really, how big of an issue was this before she was injured?...
I did not know that, although I don't by them, but I'm glad I know now. That brand was the first that came to mind.
The temperature does affect the burns, but the time frame offsets the lower temperature. You are the one who has to refute the fact that the...
Please provide scientific evidence showing how quickly sweat pants and a pair of granny panties reduces the temperature of coffee.
One more thing. The old lady didn't accidentally drop it..she PLACED it in a position where it should not be. Had she not done so. coffee has...
But it might ruin a perfectly good pair of wrinkle-free Dockers. Is Hardees liable for excessive condiment use?
From my wonderful chart I found on the internets yesterday... Maybe Mickey D's has some crappy lawyers, or the jury was made up of idiots.
So, by stating you could say that for practically any cup of coffee, you are saying that the McDonald's coffee is indistinguishable from other...
You sure about that? How about Eagle Claw fish hooks. Should they have a warning label that says "sharper than industry standard - will hurt...
I think the cup already had a warning label. Could be wrong, but check it out.
I have a hard time buying this reply, because to make your case, you are basically saying if the woman knew it was hotter than Burger King coffee,...