He does need to develop the outside shot, but the NBA draft seems to be more about potential these days than anything else. I don't see how an...
what the crap??? i just realize i forgot to record it.:cuss:
now time for a break away by TT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
at least bb will get his rebound when he misses:thumb:
Free Throws:cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss:
the one thing we can't do...we do...NO MORE 3'S for TEXAS
i think rick barnes is brain dead. they should bring penders back.
best chance would have been throw it to the rim and let thomas go get it. oh well, defend the 3 in ot.
that was a piss poor final minute....blame it on inexperience i guess
where's that alley oop when we need it?
Dumb foul. we were at half court with 10 seconds left. i think that helps us.
If with take a shot over 5 ft out this time I'm gonna stroke out.
what in the hell was that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, we cant run that 2 man game with BB and Mitchell..the 3 just isn't a threat for us in this one. Keep pounding away.
Buckman getting frustrated.....good sign.
I need maalox.
At the pace he's improving, he may have it figured out by the NC.
Can't believe Texas hasn't packed their zone in around 12 - 15 feet to clog the middle up.
We gotta make sure Big Baby and/or Thomas touch the ball every trip down. Anything else has been just like a turnover.