I'll take a PB & J any day of the week.
DOL explains it in a round-a-bout way. A long but interesting read (sort of). http://www.bls.gov/cps/cps_htgm.htm Some key points:
for assaulting an off duty cop in Starkvegas. http://www.clarionledger.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060403/SPORTS030102/60403002
I believe this is very true.
Lucky not to be down by 20+. Davis is completely worn out. Could have hit free throws and possible gotten it to single digits at the half. We...
Did the guy on CBS just say Noah is the best player at the Final 4?
Nah, the only thing you've really proven is that you don't understand the difference between a raw commodity and the finished product ready to be...
Right, very similar to how we can just shop around for cheaper oil, cheaper gold, cheaper silver, etc. etc. etc.
Japan is safe because they have found favor with the U.S. since we kicked the crap out of them in WW II. Plus, I believe Japan subsidizes what...
FYI...Ford owns Volvo and Mazda.
I can tell you love bananas, but man does not live by bananas alone. Take these four staples: wheat, corn, soybeans, potatoes. The dominant...
Thumbs up to Brady, taking his old coach along for the ride.:thumb:...
Any idea where they got those numbers? I'd like to see how they calculated it. Not that I'm saying I don't trust them, but the average family...