let's not forget he tested the waters after his Freshman year - his game has greatly improved so why would he stay? IMO he should stay to improve...
he's a gone pecan
I wish someone had a picture of the "Big Babies" on the front row - they were hilarious! For those of you that didn't see them, there were 7...
Now somebody gets it! :thumb:
lol....hypothetical was the key word in this whole thing
SportsCenter.......is next
Yes. Nolan Richardson
Here's TE's thread: http://www.tigerforums.com/showthread.php?t=25875
oh no - I'm across from the student section with the old folks - M19 Row J - same seats for about 6 years
Re: Fisher to Browns? University Club - exclusive neigborhood w/golf course here in BR
I can assure you that the fans at last night's game stood up more than any other game this year
btw...what was up w/the refs?? Did that older gentleman have alzheimer's? Wow
never said that bro - I just didn't want those who don't know me to bash me for not having a clue.
maybe but I'll just be glad to take a short vacation and watch a lot of basketball
anybody else look up to the ceiling tonight to see if the Deaf Dome meter was there?
no problem Jeff... you gonna make the trip to Atlanta and talk some hoops w/me?
I counted 44 for Kentucky - that's the first and only other SEC team I checked - ball's in your court
I'm your huckleberry - link please
B/C one of the ESPN writers referred to him as that in an article last week - I'm sure he meant Big Baby (shows the writer really did his homework)