Rose Bowl 05 isn't even a pipe dream. Now Rose Bowl '06, that's a different story. And JoNaTHonrOy- could you at least edit the TiTLe of this...
Go ahead and put the prozac in the city water supply.
Saying that you're committed to the bowl game is like telling your wife that you'll be in the marriage at least until supper time- doens't exactly...
BTW- We SHOULD offer Tuby the job and then pull out at the last second. This would force the chickens to use matching funds.
We're at Orange now boys. :nope:
BTW, Torgo, what's your IQ? :hihi:
San Diego is 10-3 NY Giants are 5-8 If Eli wasn't willing to take a chance on a perennial loser, why did he go to Ole Miss in the first place?