6 more outs to try and get a couple of runs.
Back to Back wild pitches 9-7 Lips
No Way
Mayer grounds out to 3rd to end the inning. 8-7 Lipscomb
Sac. Fly, all runners move up. 8-7 now with Jackson on 3rd. Gotta get him home.
Oh wow, Balk, runners on 2nd and 3rd for Dean now.
J. Mitchell hits a single but an error lets him go to 2nd.
Homerun for Schempf 8-6 now
Going to the 7th 8-5 Lipscomb
5-4 Tigers
End of 4 5-3 Tigers
Nice 5 to 3 double play. 4-3 Tigers
Going to the 4th 4-3 Tigers
Walks and hitting batters will kill you. 3-3 Tie
End of 2 3-1 Tigers
LSU up 3-1 in the bottom of the 2nd with 2 down and a runner at 3rd with Jared Mitchell up.
Chris Leak scored another 8?
Hhhmmmmmmm.......... Arizona Cardinals and Houston Texans in the Super Bowl?
Tim Tebow :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Goodnight boys, this is making me sick.