Goodness, I just got goosebumps! That was another FUN game to watch here in Florida! We went to Front Row Fridays with the Almuni Group and they...
Actually one of only two things that I don't hate about Miami, the other being the food. Only place in Florida that you can actually find a...
I don't drink coffee, but have a diet coke every morning. With that said I will every once in awhile have a cup of cuban coffe when I am in...
Nah, friends here are a dime or dozen! I just appreciate the fact that you enjoy something I was brought up with, no matter how unpopular in LA.
Well that is good news to hear when you get off a plane!!!
Flooded in again??? :D
Alright I laughed too hard with that one. Now back baseball...
Did it earlier but I have a question, what is the actual procedure to donating? Also is it done in your hometown or do you have to travel?
POD IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!
Any man that owns horses and is into horse racing needs to be a friend of mine. My best friend's dad owned horses (still does) and growing up he...
What I was thinking! Once again I will say I am glad we have a team of these crappy players!!!:hihi:
Oh and I missed this jewel! CRUEL, I tell ya!!!
Sure keep rubbing it in! Can somebody pull the knife out of my side before mastermind turns it again!!:hihi:
I have a team and as a Magic fan I think I have every right to hate Detroit! So take that!!! But you are right about everything else, as much...
Re: Perrilloux signs with a Div II school in Alabama that plays Georgia Tech next sea I guess I just didn't take his comments as a slam on us,...
Re: Perrilloux signs with a Div II school in Alabama that plays Georgia Tech next sea I loved it! Made me laugh! Mom said the weather in BR...
Re: Perrilloux signs with a Div II school in Alabama that plays Georgia Tech next sea And I think you can assume that you won't be invited to...
Dangit Cali!!! I think that it should be a forum rule that you can't post anything from the Gator game last year until next season starts! I...
Yes pod will be here tonight! And out of the goodness of his heart sat on chat with me half of last night walking me through getting my computer...