Well, we do know that this willl be in affect next year. You cannot go to the N.C. game if you do not win you Conference. However, even though...
That's what I mean! If you ask 100 people in the country who they believe the best fans are, I guarantee at least 75% would pick LSU fans....
According to one of the USC boards, it seems like they're beginning to get a little nervous. They want OU to win because then they'll get the AP...
It is correct to wait till the final game to make your decision though. Now, whether he goes with OU or USC (most likely will never get to that...
Re: Real competition? You mean like Well, that's what you get when everyone backs out from playing the best. I'm glad you finally got it.
....and that's how it should be. Where did you get this from?
I wonder if Michigan would've won, if they would be talking about them possibly becoming the #1 team in the nation. After all, they did beat Ohio...
Re: Re: USC ducks all the rough teams. Boy doesn't that sound nice? "On the outside looking in". I've said it about 12 times now....it must...
I'm sure a line would form right behind you.
If there are any fans in the country that are known for paying the opponents congrats after a home team's defeat, it's LSU fans. If OU wins,...
Well then since OU is still the best, it's going to be a great feeling to beat the best!
Thanks Col Reb. Ole Miss represented the SEC for all that it is. Congrats!!!
Correct. It's USC's fault and only their fault that they are not in it. LSU is #2 in the BCS and polls so all of the negative conflictions are...
Re: DON'T BE FOOLED!! Nah.......if LSU wins, you cannot take the N.C. away. It is in contract. This is what EVERY school signed to...
This page shows all teams and their schedules for the next few years. http://www.nationalchamps.net/NCAA/future_schedules/future_schedules_home.htm
I think losing late or loosing early shows no difference, however, losing your Conference Championship, that's different. If LSU would've lost to...
The only team that is better than LSU is LSU next year.....I like that comment from Mark in comparison to the same statement about USC. If LSU...
Boy ole' boy ramah.....If that happens, I don't know what I'll do.
Mark picked LSU, Trev picked LSU, Lee picked LSU.......I don't know if I like this. I'M PUMPEDD!!!!
yup, I just heard that also....I just started a thread on it. It's going to be interesting to hear his views in a little bit.