6 HOURS AND COUNTING TO DOOMSDAY FOR THE SOONERS! LSU Defense......the nation's worst nightmare!
Thanks! I got it.
Damn...I don't have ESPN news. I only have ESPN and ESPN2
I hope OU comes out with more than 1 player to have a chance....or maybe they're quitting already?
USC is almost already forgotten. The hype is continuing to build for the Sugar Bowl. Congrats to USC for winning the Rose Bowl, but they do not...
Well, they are assuming they are the National Champs because they just were not good enough to make the cut to be in the REAL game. We all know...
Need some more help getting pumped? http://usc.rivals.com/forum.asp?sid=995&fid=521&style=1 One Trojan fan says USC did its job, now LSU and...
boy, wouldn't it be nice to get at least 23 more votes after tonight? That would mean we'd take the AP poll and be the undisputed champions!...
Thank you Gamecocks!
I heard Big East, but I might be wrong.
Sourdoughman, It's 8 total, thank GOD. I don't know if I would be able to handle 16 of them. 5 are Bama fans, and 3 are Auburn fans, but...
Every now and then, ESPN switches to Lee and family inside the dome. The pregame starts at 6 CST.
Tonight's crowd is a lot larger than what we'll see at the Superdome tonight. Tonight's crowd extends from the coast of the Pacific to the coast...
No major changes until 2006.
Auburn fans are waaaay up USC's @ss right now. Alabama is pulling for OU because they were one of their opponents. Now, most of the Alabama and...
No matter what happens tonight, we're all champions just to have made the cut to be here. Here's to the best team!!!!! OU has a new fan for...
We would ask USC, but since they already turned down OU, there's no doubt they would turn us down too. Teams back out all the time. If USC...
LIke you all said, I haven't heard ONE person say that LSU doesnt' deserve to be in the Sugar....even from the busted latex of USC.
http://usc.rivals.com Click on "message boards" on the left, then the football forum. They've been putting down LSU left and right on that...
So what if we lost. We've seen more female skin in one weekend than our entire lives!