Sweet. The Miles detractors are coming out of the woodwork.
Supposedly the hit at the end of regulation is what did it.
An article in today's Advocate broke it down nicely: http://www.2theadvocate.com/sports/11880586.html
Re: Les to Michigan already underway?? What started off as an informative thread has degenerated into an old debate.
Nothing like a loss to bring back the Saban over Miles talk.
The basketball team will be alright if they ever learn to gel. As of right now, this team has no cohesion and they just look like a bunch of...
We get it. You hate all of LSU's coaches.
Re: BO PELINI We'll see what happens. http://www.journalstar.com/huskerextra/football/doc474ca02abd98d936221398.txt
I'm soooo there.
Not so fast... But I guess it just depends on who you believe....
Jim Grobe of Wake Forest apparently is also in the mix. The Journal Star is reporting that he supposedly met with Osborne yesterday....
I'll probably be at the fanfare, too. Do they serve beer there? :grin:
Now, I didn't say that. :wave:
Very true. I can't wait to see what he can do outside of Arkansas, especially after hearing years of "if he had the talent he'd really be something".
I don't know, it just sounds fishy. Maybe it's the rumor (grain of salt in hand) that he's heading to Ole Miss.
What the hell? Houston Nutt said he's leaving his "dream job" so that Arkansas can bring back the Arkansas fanbase united? :huh: Who came up...
Damnnation. I just got Rocky Top out of my head from LAST year's game... sigh.
Re: Coaches Poll LSU#7 Well I'll be damned. A Kentucky win yesterday would have helped our chances.
Preach it, brother Tiga!
Muschamp is flying in at the same time as Callahan so they can have a knife fight for Les's entertainment.