The Advocate is owned by the Manship family which is conservative Republican. I get it every day and it is clear that it is slanted toward the...
Re: Re: Re: Fact-Free Fox News..... As I was saying, as conservative as The Advocate and T-P are, they are not kooky enough for the right...
A poor white dope fiend has as good a chance at ending up behind bars as a poor black dope fiend and a rich black druggie is no more likely to go...
I will take a guess here and say that if Saban was going to the Bears next season, Brian Cox would learn about it at the same time we do--when...
This long TV delay is on regular cable. I wish the radio would put a longer delay on their broadcast so I could listen to them during the games.
I like to turn down the TV volume on LSU games and listen to the local LSU feed over the radio while I watch the game on TV. I notice that...
Only Bowden could survive this kind of revelation. Bowden also claimed he was never told about the QB a couple of years ago who was gambling on...
Alabama will probably see a few more dark days before things get better, but Alabama played a good game against a very good football team in...
Subpar kickoffs.
As others have already said, there is not the slightest chance that Notre Dame football team will join the ACC. Fox must have Geraldo Rivera...
I agree that Mauck made some poor decisions and that interference should have been called when Clayton was shoved out of bounds on the deep...