Since elsewhere you clearly are referring to me, and in case you don't read it there--Let me just say that I hope someone is around to restrain...
I will take that as a concession that Jindal is lying his ass off and has accomplished nothing significant that he is taking credit for.
Daddy kept Bush's worthless ass out of prison over the Harken stock deal also. Martha Stewart is accused of getting private information on her...
Jetstorom: In light of what has happened with the recent security breaches at Guantanamo Bay, I am having a hard time considering any Muslim to be...
Actually it would be more appropriate to have a yellow streak down Bush's back, the same one that he used to get out of going to Vietnam and using...
Jindal is also a right wing nut who favors vouchers, which means he does not support public education and may wish to see it diminish. Anyone...
Bush had his chance to kill Osama Bin Laden at Tora Bora and he blew it. Why he didn't commit thousands of soldiers and Marines to surround the...
Well, he isn't claiming he did that......yet. An article in the Advocate today says, in reference to a TV ad Jindal ran earlier: "At the...
One of these days the hate in Ann Coulter's head is going to come oozing out and folks, it will be no pretty sight. Along with believing...
So save the dickering and the blathering for some other mindless soul "...some other mindless soul?" As opposed to someone other than you...
The;e is no upside to electing Jindal.
Jindal is hardly progressive. School vouchers are an idiotic idea. They are impractical and are too expensive to be put into effect anyway. They...
And a high priced attorney for a rich black celebrety accused of the same thing as Rush wouldn't use the same tactics to get his client off?...
Let's face it, what pisses Louisiana Repbublicans off is not that black votes are bought--they aren't. What they object to is that they vote at...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fact-Free Fox News..... Anyone can run, but over fifty percent of white voters in Louisiana voted for Duke and the...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Fact-Free Fox News..... More non-name calling from Bengal B. I never accused you of being a Nazi sympathizer....
News flash for you: Limbaugh has made a career out of demonizing lawyers like Roy Black and has also taken the position that dope USERS, not just...