hooray for the beginning of bowl season! anyone think its weird that the new orleans bowl is being played in Lafayette? Go Southern Miss!
I recall a former tiger (former highschool friend) that wasnt all that fast but he ended doing pretty well for himself and LSU... Michael Clayton...
charlie weis
Salty > Rex. Yes Rex, its ALLLLL a conspiracy! they are out to get YOU! bwahaha
ill stir the pot... Its because he is black and Urban Meyer is racist and wants a "smart" QB and we all know that Black QB's arent as smart as...
Spending holiday time with family > football
I don't recall tim mcveigh knowing the unabomber... strange...
I don't remember ANYone talking up alex cate on here... hyping him up anyways...
Brady DOESN'T recruit pure shooters. You just sound very ignorant. And im not even a grammar nazi.
benched promptly after being thrown into nearby goalpost... :rofl:
Here's the thing... many LSU fans were like "oh cool.. another good quarterback is coming to LSU" LSU really DIDNT need him.. it was just a added...
ryan perrilloux > tim teabag not impressed at ALL
seen any lately? ive been away for a while...
From what ive read, that welker kid is a good quarterback. He's from cali i think and even leinart said "LSU got a good one" anyways... go matt...
What Coaching Staff have YOU been watching?
receivers had a great game when it was thrown to us... Bennie had a TD if it wasnt for a TD... ...oh well
I don't know what to say... LSU was NOT ready for this game... They looked tired... got outplayed... heres to the Peach Bowl... Damn you...
look im just giving you hell... but I know what you are talking about... I was watching the Tennessee game with no LSU gear on, then at halftime...
1. Fast speed 2. Really fast speed 3. USC speed... Jeezus... these guys are crazy...