you mean, if carter could hang on to the ball.
wow... speechless...
Dont feel bad. I get to miss the ENTIRE football season for 2006. Again, thank you Mr. Navy. :hihi:
Gosh Zemek, stop with your long explainations!
I deploy in june. we will take care of this guy. sooner, or later.
In Person: Florida 2005 Auburn 2005 Bama 2005 I flew into BR for the FL. and AU games, then DROVE down to T-town (around 750 miles in one day)...
Sonic and Hardee's breakfast > mcdonalds breakfast by far.
exceptional... when are you going to great lakes again?
Just stating... and also - Mike was kind of a prick if anyone ever thought otherwise...
Mike Clayton went to Christian Life. Although he was a great athlete in high school and college, He was a college kid and not an angel...
nicely done....
Youre kidding right? haha... im not saying anything... :rofl:
One of the Best games.... ever.
hahahahaaha THIS IS GREAT!!!!
looks like I spoke too soon...
saw that... can you tell that the rose bowl wants this game over?
If you live anywhere other than Louisiana.... well nevermind... you don't understand i guess...
get used to hearing that and kiss LSU's championship goodbye in the eyes on the national opinion and media.
Hail Mary? I wish =)
Texas has a great D-line, but I truly think that LSU's might be .... faster? Hell even Auburns is faster than texas.... it seems like im...