The two coming in are within sniffing distance of mett, lee and jj. And next yrs qb is last on the list.
I wonder what Jordan's high school #s were?
Are there any others?
That is depressing
at least he's admitted.
looks like there will only be a debt ceiling increase for a couple months. wackos.
i wonder how they got to $1.3M? 180k at 8% over 40yr?
you dont have a gun? you wuss. sounds to me like you are as left as left can get--anarchist. the government does have the right to tell you...
nothing is impenetrable. only reasonable measures required. wrt to cars, see above posts.
the coaching philosophy is stupid. maybe its the way to go get the most out of a personnel set, but not long term. hustling is not the same as...
its called the great recession. (although we were hardly ever in a recession.)
a gun is made to kill things. a car is not. reasonable assumption that guns are dangerous and cars are not. you need to take real efforts to...
thats a stretch. perhaps they are top 5 if you separate dualthreat and prostyle.
may be waiting until after signing day?
no. a gun is not a car.
ok. who said welfare intends to fix anything. i dont look at it that way. in a capitalistic society a large portion of people will always be in...
gun owners should be responsible for crimes committed with their weapons.
because day care costs money. $1100/mo for one in my area. plus laws limit time per day a child can be in day care. was 9hrs in georgia. just...