your argument is a mess. even if child abuse is worse that putting a bullet in a head, how does that make gun control bad policy? and its a lot...
hey, i aint the one selling insurance or digging holes or whatever.
sounds like she cant afford to get sick. isnt catastrophic coverage $100/mo.?
i think working moms is a net negative. my mom did it, my wife does it, and they have the moral and legal right but its still a negative. it...
its tough to swallow tm saying he doesnt like marijuana. regardless, im really pulling for this kid.
Why base fball teams on hs attended? Just make it geographical.
If you include SS and Medicare taxes it's true that he pays a Lower rate than her. And there is over a thousand filers with over a million in...
Yes everyone know this. But it was for only 4 qtrs and one of them was -0.3. Not that this was the point of my post.
You are disgusting.
These points are stupid whether someone likes it or not. I would have even commented on this if I haven't already had more than a couple.
Bullshit. No one comes here every day bitching about guns. No one loses sleep over it. 30k people die each year and most of them can be...
he was good for one big play per game on average. that means lsu wins secw with him.
Probably would have lost to bama the first time last season with lacy and without ford
Don't forget clausen!
that's what "about" meant. I looked up the numbers and was surprised how close it was. F ing guns. What is it? 5x the lives lost in afg over 10...
Says Lsu v uga but looks a lot like marq v cinn.
That's exactly right. The committee of the crime is of the hook. Where the hell did you come up with that one? Been listening to Alex jones again?
No. Numbers are about the same. Pretty scary when you are comparing one thing with immeasurable value to the economy to one thing that's there...
I think you are on to something here, get rid of laws that criminals break.
The losing coach is always out coached.