Seagram's VO and sprite
Dear sweet little 9lb 6oz baby Jesus....... nice reference!
Duck season opens tomorrow over here, west of the sabine. We have been seeing increasing numbers of ducks and geese, over the last few weeks,...
That was early teal season, which lasted for 2 weeks and you can only have 4 teal per hunt. Tomorrow regular duck season opens up! Do you hunt...
I can totally relate. I feel like I have the worst case of A.D.D. right now. Hell, I didn't even get a good night sleep last night I'm already...
You mean this play? <-------
I am standing by 34-17 Tigas!
I don't know if this was mentioned yet, and I'm not going to read the whole post because I have been drinking too much, but you really should...
Tappy, I'll admit I wanted to choke you earlier. However, I am about 1/4 deep into a bottle of whiskey and watching LSU Tiga highlights. I'm...
No, well not directly. Fortunately it was directed to both teams. Oh shyt, does that means both teams will lose??? :rofl:
Should be illegal!
yawn, not impressed. just another Bama lover. 31-3.........thanks for the laugh.
And we have kick azz ladies, who can talk football!
At one point you were on here to discuss this game. Now you just jump from thread to thread insulting us, our team, and our state. Just go away...
I agree, but I say we at least keep him until Monday or Tuesday so we can kick him around really well......
I like when he smacks the dude's hand off of the taco, or whatever it is. :rofl:
Talk about a dagger!!! I watched that one from Bagdad, I'll never forget it.
Good, watch even closer on Sat and bring your calculator so you can crunch more numbers. See how good you feel then.
Back to the topic at hand: Personally I like to make a pot of duck and sausage gumbo for all of the big games and pair it with some Abita Fall...
Classless comments about a situation that killed several people are not fun and games pal.