Hopefully we can make some second half adjustments. I think this might be the first game where our offense is really going to have to help pull...
I thought I saw a hold on Dorsey.
No reason to rip you. It's absolutely true. I keep wondering if our D coordinator watched Auburn. Our D ends are crashing down on that fake...
AMEN CalcoTiger.:thumb:
Third and goal. What do you call?
We are getting five yards a pop on runs.
Then just keep beating the crap out of them with the run. They'll get tired and that will open the passing game.
Hester's Pissed.
He actually caught it.:thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
That is exactly how it looks. Florida is confident and we look like we are playing the Patriots.
Well, just heard as plain as day. A F you Tebow chant. That sounds real good being down 10-0
Uh,.............. Crap
We just need to withstand their best. They are pissed and they are giving us their best shot.
That was quite possibly the stupidest play call I have ever seen.
That was a gorgeous pass.
Agreed. Timing is way off right now. Maybe just jitters. He needs to settle just like defense.
How much does Tyson weigh?