Agreed. We really don't have any business being in the top 25. Not yet anyway. Not until we beat SOMEBODY.
Sorry. I didn't see the PRE in the first thread. Out of line.:shock:
Who's on for the game?
Hey Askew, Just got up. It's 7:30 over here. Man I had no idea there were so many La - Hawaii connections on this board. Your mom is named...
Whew......... Thanks Askew. Thought I was the only one on here. We'll take the Hawaii fans any way we can get em'.:thumb:
Crickets.........:( This time difference sucks. It's only 9:30 here.
O.K. I think I get it. LSU didn't play Fresno that year. The Reason we wanted Hawaii to win was because it hurt USC's strength of schedule...
Interesting. It was Fresno State? How could Hawaii beating one of LSU's opponents help their SOS? Are you sure you weren't rooting for Hawaii...
For quite a while volleyball was bigger than football at UH. I think CJJ is changing that.
Wow. Thought I was all alone over here. What are you doing over there on Oahu? 545 is good but Colt's had a few bad games lately. 5 pics...
Volleyball is HUGE over here. When she was playing the Stan Sherrif center was always full. You've never seen a volleyball crowd get into it...
Yea El, I responded to you on that last thread but it was very late. Here is what I wrote. About Willoughby She graduated back in 04 I...
I thought he was pretty good. He took Rohan through that season. Seemed like they threw for 400 yards a game. He wasn't as prolific with the...
I bet I remember now why you are a fan. We beat ALABAMA towards the end of the 03 season.
Could be the Hawaii bowl at the end of the season. We beat Houston 54-48 in triple overtime?
Going to games in Honolulu is pretty fun too. They light it up in that stadium. When a good team comes and the stadium is full that place can...
Agreed. When we struggle against La Tech and San Jose State no way do we belong. Until we beat SOMEBODY we don't need to be anywhere near the...
You'd think he would try to develop some sort of strategy for the routine thing. I know he's tried to go over a few days early to try to...
Yeah Tiga, Alot of people wonder why June doesn't get more top recruits because of where they play. I think, in the past, the problem was that...
We are absolutely horrible on the road. It's really hard to get decent teams to come to the islands because they know there's a good chance they...