Parr up to bat; runner at 1st. 1st pitch fouled to 1st base side. 0-1 Pitchout; got the runner at 2nd! 3 outs. 1-0 Illinois.
Runner on 1st for Illinois. 1st pitch is a ball. 1-0 Strike! 1-1 Strike 2! 1-2 Called strike 3! 2 gone. Parr up to bat.
Chipetta up for the Illini Strike! 0-1 High pitch: 1-1 Swing and miss: 1-2 Fouled off: 1-2 Breaking ball missed: 2-2 High pitch again: 3-2...
Top of 2nd: Didman up 1st pitch up and away; 1-0 Swing and a miss: 1-1 3rd pitch down and in: 2-1 Another swing and a miss: 2-2 Ranado...
Low ball 2 to Gibbs. Foul ball - strike 2 for Gibbs. Bouncing ball to short - throws to 1st in time. 3 outs. No runs on 1 hit. Dean left on....
1st pitch to Gibbs is outside - ball 1. Strike to Gibbs, got Schimpf at 3rd - caught stealing. Dean moves to 2nd. 2 outs.
Count is 2-1 to Dean. Breaking ball low; 3-1. Ball 4 - Dean walks; runners on 1st & 2nd. 1 out.
Blake Dean at bat. Hagan throws over to 1st, not in time. 1st pitch down and in, ball 1. Strike at the belt. 1-1 Throw over to 1st. Wild...
Schimpf up to bat... Base hit to center field. 1 out, runner on 1st.
Landry, Schimpf and Dean due up... Starting pitcher for the Illini is Hagan Landry fouls a bunch of pitches off. Hits the ball to shortstop who...
Ranaudo strikes the batter out. 1-0 Illinois going into the bottom of the first. (will start posting names... just realized no one was doing pbp)
First batter popped to Dean. Ranaudo walked the second batter. Third batter struck out. Fourth batter got a hit off Ranaudo's hip, Helenihi...
I'm in.
Would that have something to do with this? [IMG] Of course, I'm referring to Disney's Tarzan. :hihi:
And none of them are very happy right now. Who wants to cheer them up? :thumb:
Final score :tigbas: - 11 UCF - 2 Final game tomorrow at noon for the [IMG]
Good quick start for Bradshaw. Glad he didn't get hurt by that ball.
In BR, baseball should be on 98.1, while basketball should be on 100.7. Anywhere else, who knows.
I will also be more than willing to carry the burden.