Cappetta's first pitch is a fast ball strike! 0-1 Down & away. 1-1 Fly ball right side. Ochinko catches it! 2 outs.
Dittman, Cappetta, and Lutes up to bat in the top of the 5th for Illinois. 1st pitch fly ball out of play. 0-1 Strike! 1-1 Fast ball strike...
Helenihi's first pitch is low for a ball. 1-0 Fouled back. 1-1 Ground ball left side. 3rd baseman throws over in time for the 3rd out. 3...
Ochinko singled his first time up. First pitch down and in for a ball. 1-0 Ground ball deep to short; Wikhof makes the throw in time. 2 outs.
Bottom of the 4th; LeMaiheu, Ochinko and Helenihi due up. LeMaiheu's first pitch is a ground ball. 1st baseman gets it and touches the bag...
Johnson's first pitch is low. 1-0 Strike! 1-1 Down & away for a ball. 2-1 Fast ball strike! 2-2 Fouled away to the first base side. 2-2...
Altobelli singled his first time up. Ball. 1-0 Fast ball strike. 1-1 Very high, probably intended to be a pitchout. 2-1 Gibbs throws out...
Wikoff, Altobelli and Johnson up for the Illini in the 4th. Wikoff walked and scored 1st time up. Ball: 1-0 Fast ball low: 2-0 Strike! 2-1...
Gibbs up with 1 out and runners on 1st & 2nd. Fast ball high. 1-0 Fast ball strike. Crowd not pleased. 1-1 Ground ball foul 3rd base side....
Dean at bat. Up & in. 1-0 Down & away. 2-0 Down the middle for a strike. 2-1 Fast ball low. 3-1 Ground ball into right field. Schimpf on...
Schimpf's first pitch down & away. 1-0 Grounded into right field for a single. Schimpf is 2-2. Runner on 1st, 1 out.
Landry up in the bottom of the 3rd. Strike 0-1 Fast ball strike 0-2 Ball 1-2 Fouled off his foot. 1-2 Landry strikes out. 1st strike out...
McMurray up. Strike 0-1 Down & away 1-1 Grounded to LeMaiehu - throw is in time. 3 outs. Going to the bottom of the 3rd.
Bonnadonna up. Bases empty 1 out. Low ball 1. 1-0 Very high pitch. 2-0 Popped up. Ochinko catches it for out #2.
Parr, Bonnadonna and McMurray up for Illinois in the 3rd. Parr again. Foul ball: 0-1 Ball outside: 1-1 Popped up: Ochinko catches it for one out.
McGhee is up. Fast ball strike: 0-1 Line drive to right field; Lutes makes the catch for the 3rd out. Still 1-0 Illinois going into the top of...
Pontiff up (starting in place of J. Mitchell). First pitch fly to left field; McMurray makes the catch. 2 outs.
Helenihi swings and misses: 0-1 Fouled to 1st base side: 0-2 Ball: 1-2 Ground ball base hit to right side. Ochinko on 2nd, Helenihi on 1st. 1...
Ochinko up. Up and in: 1-0 Ground ball base hit into right field. Ochinko on first. He is 15-20 for the year.
LeMaiheu, Ochinko, Helenihi up in the 2nd 1st pitch fouled back: 0-1 Breaking ball low: 1-1 Low ball: 2-1 Strike 2: 2-2 Ball inside: 3-2...