Johnson up. Foul. 0-1 Checked swing but foul tip. 0-2 Swings and misses. 11 K's for Ranaudo. 2 out.
Altobeli, Johnson and Pittman. Swings and misses: 0-1 Fouled back. 0-2 Tried to check but went around for K #10.
Pontiff up. Two balls. 2-0 Ground ball thrown over to 1st in time. 3 outs. No runs in the bottom of the 6th. 1-1 going into the 7th.
Tagged LeMaiheu at home. 2 out. Ochinko ran back to 2nd and got a break. Runners on 1st and 2nd.
Helenihi: Ball. 1-0 Fouled down right field line. 1-1 Fouled right side again. 1-2 Bounced back to the pitcher. Not sure what happened here...
Helenihi up with Ochinko on 2nd and LeMaiheu on 3rd and 1 out. Conference on the mound again...... No change yet for the Illini.
Ochinko up with 1 out. LeMaiheu on 1st. Ball. 1-0 Hit into the left field corner off the wall. Double for Ochinko.
LeMaiheu's first pitch is a ball. 1-0 Way inside for another ball. 2-0 Up and in. 3-0 Strike. 3-1 Ball 4. LeMaiheu on 1st.
Gibbs LeMaiheu and Ochinko up for the bottom of the 6th. LeMaiheu's first pitch is a ball. 1-0 Swings and misses. 1-1 Ground ball. Wikhof...
Wikoff up. Ball. 1-0 Popped up. Helenihi catches it for the 3rd out. 1-1 going to the bottom of the 6th.
McMurray up. Strike! 0-1 Hit into right field for a base hit. Runner on 1st, 2 out.
Bonadonna up. Fast ball strike! 0-1 Ranaudo around 80 pitches. No action in LSU bullpen. Low ball. 1-1 Breaking ball strike! 1-2 Strike 3...
Top of the 6th. Parr, Bonadonna and McMurray due up. Parr is 0-1 tonight. First ball hit to center field. Landry catches it for 1 out.
Dean up. 1-1 singled and walked. First pitch with a runner at first fouled. 0-1 Pitchout but Schimpf not stealing. 1-1 Hit, throw over to...
Schimpf up. First ball low. 1-0 Strike inside. 1-1 Over his head. 2-1 Nooo Skip don't leave the booth!! Pitch low. 3-1 High ball four for...
Landry's 1st pitch; he attempts a bunt and takes it low. 0-1 McGhee caught stealing at 3rd. 1 out. 1-1 Ball. 2-1 Popup shallow. 2nd baseman...
Landry up with McGhee on 2nd. Having a conference on the mound.....
McGhee up to bat. 0-1 tonight. Pushes a bunt foul. 0-1 Ball. 1-1 Off 3rd baseman's glove into bullpen. McGhee doubles!
Bottom of the 5th, Pontiff, McGhee and Landry due up. Pontiff is 0-1 tonight. First pitch is a homerun!!!! 1-1 WITH PONTIFF'S HOMERUN!!!!!!
Lutes swings and misses. 0-1 Another swing and a miss! 0-2 A third fastball for Ranaudo's 8th K! 3 outs, going to the bottom of the 5th.