Johnson hits fly ball deep left field. 2 run home run. 3-1 Illinois
Altobeli up. Fast ball strike. 0-1 Dean catches the ball in left. 2 outs, runner on 2nd.
Conference on the mound. No pitchers in the bullpen, so this isn't a change.
Wikoff at bat. High for a ball. 1-0 Bunts to the 1st base side. Gibbs gets the ball to first base for 1 out. Runner advances to 2nd.
Coleman throwing to McMurray. First pitch fouled away. 0-1 Fast ball strike. 0-2 Grounded up the middle, LeMaiheu gets it and throws but ball...
Top of the 9th. Still 1-1. McMurray, Wikoff, Altobeli due up.
LeMaiheu at bat. First pitch low. 1-0 Strike. 1-1 Fast ball outside. 2-1 Fouled over the roof. 2-2 Ball. 3-2 Called strike. Crowd not...
Gibbs up. Hit foul down right field line. 0-1 Strike. 0-2 Swings and misses. 2 outs. Dean and Gibbs go down on 6 pitches.
Dean at bat. First pitch fast ball strike. 0-1 Fouled back. 0-2 Fast ball strike 3 called. 1 out.
Dean, Gibbs and LeMaiheu due up for the bottom of the 8th. Haig is done for the night. Cory Kimes is now pitching.
Bonadonna up for the Illini. Ball inside. 1-0 Fast ball strike! 1-1 Popped up. Helenihi makes the catch for the 3rd out. Still 1-1 tie,...
Parr is up. 1st pitch inside. 1-0 Hits back to Coleman. Throws to 1st for the out. 2 outs. Runner on 2nd.
Lutes tries to bunt but doesn't. Gibbs misses the catch and runner moves to 2nd. Lutes swings and misses. 1-1 Couldn't check the swing. 1-2...
Capetta taking the first pitch from Coleman. Fouled away. 0-1 Drops into center for a base hit. Capetta on 1st. 0 out.
Top of the 8th still 1-1 Ranaudo is done for the night and did awesome. Louis Coleman in relief Cappetta, Lutes and Parr due up.
Schimpf is up. First pitch inside. 1-0 Caught in the air. 3 outs
Landry up. Strike. 0-1 Ball outside. 1-1 Grounded foul. 1-2 Fouled onto the roof. 1-2 Fouled back into the screen. 1-2 Fly ball, catch...
McGhee 1-2 tonight. First pitch fouled. 0-1 Breaking ball low. 1-1 Grounded to 3rd, thrown in time. 1 out.
Bottom of the 7th: McGhee, Landry and Schimpf up. Haig has thrown 96 pitches going into the inning. Expecting pitching change soon.
Hanagrif sounded like Hawthorne there! :lol: Dittman gets a ball 1-0 Strike! 1-1 Strike 2! 1-2 Strikeout but has to throw down. 12th K for...