Oh the humanities!!!!!!! :hihi::hihi:
good lord VA Tech's center issues are worthy of a daytime soap opera
I don't think 1 person in Blacksburg trusts this QB :) I hope that Beamer continues his conservative pattern and plays Beamer ball, I still think...
LOL they went to the wrong hash. I've been to Lane before (and Tiger) its loud as hell in that place right now. Its not SEC level loud in my...
I couldn't agree more, that Doucet injury and Flynn sprain really hurt us more than most in the national press covered... btw glad you like my...
That PF was absolutely atrocious. If this game continues how much you wanna bet we won't hear one kind word about how great LSU's O looked...
Tech's D-Line is absolutely destroying BC's O-Line, its getting near federal offense level. haha goaline sack by VT
IMO Mark May really has it in for LSU. This is sloppy game but with these conditions its no surprise. I'm pretty confident Tech will pull it out...
I can't take it that was amazing, I swear to god that this season has taken 10 years off my life, still one of the best plays in LSU history
I can't take it another 4 and 1 to stay alive..... I'll take that spot lol bet its challenged
haha finally not kicking to Trindon pays off dumb move by Tubby
we've got a shot to win it this week at least.. just think bye week boys for motivation!
I just can't believe the time Cox is getting, its unreal
my kingdom for a blitz
here come the flags
I was never a bench Flynn yahoo but I have been down on a bit in the last 2 weeks, color me convinced he looks great like he did before the...
I can't believe I'm saying this but keep Ryan P on the sidelines lol
Wow Jackson has had some great plays, is it me or does the national football audience not owe LSU a giant thank you? This is 3 weeks in a row...
I'd give my left nut to be at Tiger Stadium right now!!