Syracuse posters are talking about the rumor... doesn't sound like they have any info... See post #27861...
good point about Hixon... darn. but you're right about the good news in Florida. I remember reading about the Florida connection for the new...
Can't get any info off of the Minnesota board... talk about a ghost town there! anybody have any info on the schedule...???
Anyone know why Tiger Rag is always so far behind w/ posting info?? Tiger Bait shows all 7 (yeah count them!! 1-2-3-4-5-6-7!!) of our recruits...
Good one... would that Sporting News be the same definitive authority that touted Auburn as #1 all preseason last year??? PLEASE!!
I think many teams in the country will dream of running our defense, and some may have moderate success BUT... a large part of the defense...
where did that come from?? J Russel = RSFR M Flynn = RSFR Reever = FR?? (possible greyshirt?) Randall = SR
more rumors... a Minnesota poster on another site mentioned the Gophers as a possible candidate. according to the official website, Minnesota...
you hit it on the head! just have faith!! now, in my opinion I believe Randall may start the opener. but I hope that one of the RS freshmen...
night night putty cat
ask squanto!! if he ain't busy paddling his canoe he might know! haha! (fyi: inside joke w/ me and Mr. Sabertooth) just messing w/ ya,...
snort is pretty amazing!! when it comes to qualifying for the a$$clown award (see Starscream's post) there are 4 criteria: 1. not knowing what...
oh don't get me wrong BB, I thought yours was funny (see my haha! in my post), but I think I could have done w/o that image, SCARY!!...
1. Saban is already locking down the La borders again! 5 commits including the top RB! Let's hope Mr. Perriloux jumps on board soon. 2. I...
well, we don't have to slam him that hard! (haha!!) I think he could actually make a few good points if he would remeber to take his Ritalin!!...
I guess whatever Snorton was snortin' finally got him?? At the least, I still haven't got my reply.... Snorton do you listen to yourself?...
oh yeah, thanks cajdav... let us know if you get a response!
I think the video as is would be too long for the pregame anyway, so this part could get edited and the video could get reduced to 1 minute or...
(reference the USC lineman thread) BB's Snorton AntiVirus should be an "Instant Classic"!!! hahaha, now that was really funny and clever BB!
any response from the creators cajdav??