The website is unavaible. Too much traffic. I guess Christmas came early for those guys.
No head slaps... No head slaps and ya'll have a chance. Small chance, but still a chance.
Not true... They lost to UF in Jacksonville. Which is why they have 16 game winning steak at home. They have lost 13 of the last 14 to UF on a...
We don't listen... That's funny we don't listen to anything you say.
Greene's record vs UF 0-3 Greene's record vs LSU soon to be 0-3 0 National Titles Will you're right, just like Manning, can't win the games that...
Have it on DVR My Cox DVR has a USB port, but I don't know if it can be backed up on another storage device. Can it be done and How?
Noone hangs 20+ on Saban's D Not UGA, USC, OU, UF, noone. On a wet field, first game of the year, it took overtime to hang 22. And last year...
You type faster than me. See other Thread.
College Game day just anounced That JR will start against AU. Just throwing that out there.
CBS has another game on Nov. 6 CBS is locked in to show Tenn. and Notre Dame on the 6th of NOV. CBS does not want to give up any game any day....
According to Jimmy Ott on the press box show, Saban said in his weekly grid iron meeting today that "JR will start over his dead body". I am just...
Donations... Just for saying that, TAF will increase "required" donations!
On the Sidelines Where does Flynn stand? On the sidelines.
Easier said than Done
Broad Cast E-mail The following was an e-mail sent to all students from the ticket office.Alot of changes. None for the better.Notice away game...
LSU students can no longer buy season guest tickets for full price for family or girlfriends. A marriage license is required to purchase...
...At Georgia Hey, if you can't beat them, join them. Just jokin', but it was fuuny. LOL
Video Highlights I hear the College World Series Highlights are short, very short. They were short last year too. Also the Highlights from the...
Being ex-military, I still have a lot of GA fans as close friends. One of this guys claims David Pollock is the second coming of "Christ" (no...
Saban said it best When talking to Spears about converting, Good Tight ends in the NFL make about $1.8 millon, while good defensive ends make $6...