Oregon improved drastically? You mean like the 3 point win over Stanford, non-dominating win over terrible Washington, and losing 3 in a row to...
This movie is going to suck bad, but I'll still go see it because it's Texas. Sad, I know.
Oddly enough, that's what the writers were giving Texas before this past week, and especially after the Kansas game. That's just what happens when...
And because Cal looked awesome at HOME against Oregon. Why does everybody either dismiss or forget this game? Almost the exact same. Cal has...
Niiiiiice pickup. Glad to see that it looks like you guys kept him away from OU or OSU. He's a badass.
Good point. Agreed. :hihi:
I have a friend that knows those guys (sad, I know), and to their defense...it was apparently about 3 AM in San Diego and they were all completely...
Thanks! Texas has never been to the Rose Bowl and it's going to be a helluva fun trip and game.
Being as unbiased as possible, you have to give it to Derrick Johnson if you want to consider defensive players. There's a reason that he's going...
Fitting...Texas in 2nd to Oklahoma on a football board. :angry:
Thanks...glad that it looks like we finally didn't screw ourselves or get screwed by the system, which had seemed to be the case every year....
Now that's what I like to hear!
Do that again with a 43 point gain in the coaches poll and I don't think it matters what the computers say.
Texas gained 43 points in the coaches poll...we're going to the BCS!
Have no clue if it's enough or not, probably not enough by itself...but Texas gained 23 on Cal in the AP poll.
Hey, Benson's getting 100% of the vote. :thumb: Honestly, I think White or Leinart should win it...edge to White because of tougher...
Yep...I finally gave in. :yelwink2:
It's too close. I'm not putting much into it, because there isn't going to be much, if any, movement in the computer polls. It's tough to predict...
Ramah, I said it on another thread so I'll say it here as well. If Tennessee wins, you play barely ranked Texas A&M. So Iowa is your best competition.
Computer polls would put Texas ahead of Cal in the BCS.