I will be there with a group of 6 of my cronies. :lsug: :geaux:
Sam's Club on Siegen Lane will get them any day now... priced near $16.00.
some of the "Brady Bashers" were the same people that were jumping ALL OVER Smoke last year about the baseball team. According to them, " Smoke is...
give it a break. Tigers win! :geaux:
welcome aboard!:geaux:
http://www.maxemfingerrecruiting.com/articles/2003nationaltop30.shtml Look at the scrolling marquee at the top of the page :lsug: :geaux:
The T-P guy was referring to the BOOK... I specifically asked him if other retailers would be getting them and he said "yes, but you won't get...
The Times-Picayune guy outside the PMAC told me I wouldn't find it cheaper than 20$ ANYWHERE... BAH! Saw them at Sam's today for $12.47. :geaux:
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] I have more to post.... soon.:geaux: :lsug:
Surely the colts were the AP's most popular team. Lets give them a share of the Title! Nevermind that the rules were set up stipulating that the...
Wal-Mart just got them this past week. Sam's Club had a better one for $22.78 but they sold all of them.
I can't blame you for coming on here and trying to make a buck, but you can't blame me for giving Tiger Fans a heads up on that " medallion ball"...
guess we'll see what happens... crossing my fingers.