Arizona State doesn't even submit a bid and they get a national seed. Joke. :cuss:
I watched Big Daddy with Adam Sandler.... SabanFan,.... LOOP, SWOOP, and PULL..... I bet I can tie your shoes every time with that method. :hihi:
Maybe I'll have to dig up some of the posts I'm referring to, maybe then people will understand where I'm coming from.
Man... the bashers will be pissed tomorrow when we host a SR. :cuss:
Lady Tigers up 2-1 in the 5th
nope, just watching on ESPN2 :geaux:
Look here for some ideas :CoolCaseGallery I know COMPUSA has alot of modding accessories now: lights, cases, etc. :geaux:
From The Tigers won all five of their SEC road series this season, including four against teams ranked at the time of the series...
How about instead of 24 hours, you wait till the season is over, you may end up looking dumber than you did when you posted the last time.
well, well, look who showed up..... did you put mustard on Smoke's sammich today?
I hear crckets chirping Still no replies?
As usual, Smoke and the Tigers get no love when they do well, just lots of bitching and moaning :cry: from the usual clowns when we lose....
You can fix Smoke his sammich now.
Acting like a douchebag after we lose makes someone an idiot. It seems to happen every time. I actually believe that some people here enjoy losing...
Maybe some of you should quit your jobs and send Skip your resumes. Where is the long list of great college coaches to replace him?
Who might you want as the coach, mister omnipotent?
Of course, every news website EXCEPT CNN has news of chemical weapon shells found on their front page. Amazing.
Let the Liberal's excuses begin! :911:
Smoke is not getting a free pass. We went to the CWS last year and lost. This season is NOT over. You can hardly compare Dinardo and Smoke. Would...
Thank you, Nostradamus..... you should be on the psychic speculation network. Give the team some credit, and a chance... the season isn't OVER. Jeez.