Why is it unbelievable? Don't you know what kind of idiots lurk on message boards? Look for it to get worse before it gets better.
"I'll believe it when I see it". Don't believe everything you read. Don't blame Crawfish. Get over it.
He had a TD against Denver a few weeks ago... he's having a great season :lsup:
I saw a bunch of these yesterday and must have one. Could someone tell me where to buy one and how much they cost? Thanks. :olefire:
The TEAM lost the game. Don't be a tool.
HOSEJOB. :angryfire
We're still having a bit of trouble with the 40 times.... he is easily distracted by women, and it's hard to get him to run a straight line when...
[IMG] 11 1/2 months 30" 21lbs Coach Saban, "This guy has a future here, what's your phone number?" :helmet: :lsug: :champs:...
They opened a Bud's in the small strip of businesses on Airline at Ormond Boulevard a while back.
after reading all of "dan's" posts, it is obvious that he has been endowed with an extra chromosome.
even I got that one :lol:
Indeed, I wanted that ball for my own child.. to go along with the football I have signed by the National Champs last year.
BWAHAHAHA LSUHOTDOG has PMS :cry: .....maybe he needs some FDS (no.... that doesn't stand for Fire Dat Smoke!) Don't be such a sissy :lol:
http://www3.texags.com/main/forum.reply.asp?topic_id=336962&forum_id=8 :lol:
Indeed, there will be a bunch of bandwagon fans tomorrow. :lol:
heh... I knew Aggies rode the short bus. :hihi:
SCREW Toolame. I have hated them since BIRTH. Despite the fact that I can count the number of times they have beaten us in football on one hand...