A sample of odds as of just now. LSU at Florida 0-110 0-110 40 ov-110 +2-110 -2-110 40 ov-110 +1-108 -1-102 40.5 ov-105...
Then it's moved even more than I thought. Florida began the week favored, then as of yesterday, LSU was favored by 1 in some places, 2 in others.
I'll play.
If he does well, my bracket is toast.
Very interested in a golf outing. I generally get down that way once a year to play a round with BMoney anyway.
Nice shot of "The Kiss". What was going on when that guy approached Miles while they were walking accross the field? Looked Like Miles got pissed.
Not eligible until the Spring semester.
That's a ND player's leg.
It just flashed for a second, then went away. I have no idea what is going on.
Great post. My feelings exactly. Those who harbor ill will toward Gerry are mostly fans of winning, not fans of LSU.
This is just my opinion, but booing an elected official is COMPLETELY different from booing an athlete or a coach. Booing an elected official is...
Uhm, why should ND get the blame if they were invited over LSU? I love LSU as much as anyone, but your beef is with the ones doing the inviting,...
OU ESPN Thread Check out the ESPN bias thread over at soonerfans. And I thought LSU had homers. Their dismissal of Fitzgerald in the Heisman...