You nailed it. That's exactly what I was quoting. Nice catch.
Well said.
Exactly. Thanks for understanding. Hah ha.
Ha ha ha.
If Texas A&M can make a game with the Gumps, who is to say we can't. I was thinking that the pivotal point would be a win against Florida, but now...
you deserve that one. nice.
good call.
I think Malzahn looks like a faggot, especially when he wears that vest/visor combo. And by faggot, I don't mean homosexual. I mean he looks like...
Dare I say we play prevent defense?
Go for it, right?
Can we run out the clock?
Take the lead.
Right. It doesn't make sense for Auburn to call a timeout in a close game for the benefit of 1 and a half yards. Those timeouts are so crucial in...
great punt. wow.
He missed Guise!
Horse collar!
That was definitely a block in the back.
Listen to the radio broadcast. Synch it up with the TV. I can't stand listening to those cunts on CBS.
Where is my buddy who was with me on the Chart run back? I knew Chark had one in him.