I wonder if Chad Pennington's arm is stronger than Hatch's
No doubt...Miles probably needs to put Chad Jones back
trindon needs to let this one go
I know we did score first in 2006
i'll take the first points in the game any day of the week
nice run..they just said on espn that auburn fans are stupid
You must be out of your mind to think that only people on the left are out of their mind, cause from what I've seen the past 10 years is people...
Thanks for putting words in my mouth. I like Kobe a whole lot more than Lebron and the fact that I think that Paul should be the MVP doesn't mean...
The GM is RC Buford, but everybody knows that it is Poppovich the guy that runs the show. I agree that these trades made both the Suns and Mavs...
Why would Kobe be the MVP??? He has played like the same way since Shaq left, the only difference is that this year his teammates have been...
Damn and I thought he was good already.:wave:
Sucks that they traded Bobby Jackson cause I've always liked the way he plays, but the Hornets get two good players in return. I hope that it...
I think the trade was good except for Ben Wallace, no doubt they needed to get rid of Larry Hughes and his horrible contract.
Just another small step for Cuba to become free. Looks like their day is getting closer and hopefully the US Gov't will end the embargo.
Good for you!:thumb: Not most, but I'll give you some. I would ask you to give me an example but I don't wanna ruin you weekend.
I don't think it matters cause I doubt that if he's ever convicted, it would happen before Bushy leaves office.
I think that trust and honesty is a wash. All of them are tied for last place. Being a politician is the opposite if being honest and trustworthy.
Hopefully this helps LSU recruiting in Northern Florida.
Didn't you know that if one party chooses to be on one side of an issue, then by law, the other party is supposed to take the opposite side?
Good win tonight! I don't think that removing the interim is a good idea just yet, cause it seems to me that they would be playing hard for...