And we get some Lee at last.
Speaking strictly hypothetically, what would happen if Arkansas DID manage to beat us? This is assuming LSU and Bama win the rest of their regular...
Not as pathetic as ol' Favre still slinging it around in those Wranglers.
Blue simply won't be denied tonight.
I can tell you what it wasn't: get a safety.
Bluuuueeee does it again.
...or a safety.
They REALLY aren't gonna roll over.
WKU returns it to the 26. They just aren't gonna roll over for this one.
220 yards in the first half is pretty darn good. Just lacking execution.
Prolly somewhere beating up strippers, by the looks of it.
JJ has been pretty decent, but it is West Kentucky. The whole team is lacking focus and intensity. Hopefully that changes in the second half. I...
Doesn't Chavis have a reputation for making great linebackers? Or am I thinking of someone else?
Honey Badger killed a potential INT by getting called offsides. :bncry:
WKU is selling out to stop the run. NOBODY respects our QBs.
It's not a big deal, but JJ has a reeaaallly long wind-up on his throws.
That's what I'd been thinking after Lee didn't come back in last weekend. Hopefully it all works out.
It appears to be up and running now. Thanks a bunch.