Your grade is slipping.
1. Agreed. We need leaders that act in the best interest of our country rather than in the best interest of their political futures. I am not so...
I can see the difficulty you might have in wrapping your mind around such observations of Obama's upcoming weekend and how it is perceived. It...
Well, if we had a solid bullpen then he would not have been asked to go so far. They really tried to get him through that 8th inning when the 7th...
You squirm far too much on here to be nailed to a tree. :grin:
That is a predictable response. You do have a tendency to over-simplify things.
It came across as an afterthought on his part for him to go there. "well, since it's in the neighborhood..." However, I now know that he has...
I reserve judgment until I see what he comes up with for us in the new forum.
It's simple. He is is only going out of convenience to his vacation locale.
I have never given any thought to the intelligence level of the internet monikers represented here. However, I have met both Red and 157 in person...
No, ginger, you are making that up. Nowhere have I said that only certain national cemeteries matter.
I'm sure that red, like you, is of the mindset that his mental schlong is far superior to all others here.
Yes it is, partially. As illustrated in my first post. Of course this is also a major issue I have with his vacation weekend.
Re: Oil Rig explosion/Gulf Oil Spill Me too, but I can't allow myself to get excited until a billion officials give us the word that it worked. ;)
Re: Oil Rig explosion/Gulf Oil Spill It's not a success until they put in the cement plug.
Ok jolly roger. So you say Dubya did not go in 2002 and you wonder where the outrage was? There was no outrage because he was at Normandy...
The winner of Arkansas/Vandy game. Currently in progress, 0-0.
Re: Oil Rig explosion/Gulf Oil Spill Can't believe I am actually recommending this but... Turn on CNN right now.
Best of all, LSU plays at night tomorrow!
Most of the time you would be better off not speaking.