That I agree with. The headlines and excerpts given in some articles indicate to the casual reader that environmentalists actually did...
Opinion. Prove this. Opinion. Fairly accurate though.
I don't see where she said environmentalists are at fault for the oil rig exploding. That's what you said.
You have a problem? I spoke in subsequent posts.
lol.. an article written on the basis that Lane Kiffin isn't stupid.
So the wacky enviros are having their way on land and not at sea. Oil companies will drill wherever they can. Obviously many onshore areas are...
Re: Oil Rig explosion/Gulf Oil Spill A compilation of all ROV cams: http://mxl.fi/bpfeeds/
Your jump to conclusions mat is malfunctioning.
well gumbo, that one went over her head :)
Re: Oil Rig explosion/Gulf Oil Spill Live feeds from remotely operated vehicles | Response in video | BP Skandi ROV 1 link.
Re: Oil Rig explosion/Gulf Oil Spill I have been wondering exactly where proposed sand berms would be constructed. Found this informative...
It's slim pickings man. They barely even realize that they have a baseball team.
:wave: :tigbas: [IMG]
Re: Oil Rig explosion/Gulf Oil Spill You are assuming that down in the photo is actually down.
Kudos to all of the tiger fans showing their support by attending the regional! Baseball: L.A. Regional tickets a hot commodity - Los Angeles...
Ross is confirmed as the starter.
Re: Oil Rig explosion/Gulf Oil Spill Saw stuck in riser pipe in BP's latest attempt to contain oil spill | NOLA.com
When we went, we scooped up some free grease on the way back to shore. Unfortunately, we didn't catch pre-greased fish.