Reseach what? Find a chart somewhere that shows what the rich pay in some generic definition of taxes? Does such a chart exist that shows what...
I notice now its you who avoid answering. You and other gay advocates propose changing centuries of tradition in terms of marriage. Usually when...
I had no idea the rich were hurting in America. The Top 25% that is. I guess I was blinded by the lies about the other 75% who are concerned with...
The negative affect is that the family comprised of a man and a woman, ideally with the intention of procreating, perpetuates society. Our entire...
Oh the poor rich are overtaxed song. That one has been in the Top 10 for sometime now. The poor rich. Its getting to the point they just can't...
How does that affect me directly? Is that your question? Should all actions have to have a direct affect on any one individual at any one time or...
Nick Saban is a Democrat. One of his best friends is Jesse Jackson, Sr. I wouldn't boo Bianco or Landrieu. I wouldn't cheer them either. I...
Are you serious with the Cheney bio? "In his travels as Vice President, he has seen first hand the great demands the war on terrorism is placing...
I don't understand why the Democratic contenders insist on allying themselves with these groups. On economic issues, I think the Democrats have...
I hope he comes back and wins New Hampshire. While I disagree with Governor Dean on social policies, I think he's right on with alot of his...
What do you refer to by magical wizards? If that is some knock at religion, I'd direct you to numerous denominations who obviously champion gay...
The idea that marriage and traditional family structures are pointless is certaily the popular thinking. As it anti-religion. From the...
OK, so you are promoting doing away with the idea of marriage altogether. I misunderstood. I would note that it whether the doctor or...
How far would you go with not caring? Siblings, multiple, more than 2 parties being married, human and other creature being married? Of course...
I'm leaning towards favoring a Constitutional Amendment on this issue. Take it completely out of the hands of judges. If left to the people and...
What's this with General Clark coming out in favor of gay marriage? I respected the General for his military career and his service to our...
I don't like Hillary, but otherwise I'm with you. I think alot of the things Bill Clinton did as President if he had been a Republican, those...
I'm gathering your a Democrat? I can honestly say in my lifetime of voting, 16 years, that between the state, local and national level I've...
You're on to that agenda also? I can't stand Cheney. I think he's a crook. I believe the reason Bush hasn't replaced Cheney with a legitimate VP...
I don't know about calling them distractions. Certainly there are more important issues, like jobs and the economic well being of the citizenry....