Warning! O'Connor is leading a contingent to Europe to help set up the European Union court system this fall. There is no telling what she and...
Cotton Bowl, I'm not defending Bush by any means on the Iraq/WMD issue. To be honest, I think there are more pressing issues in this upcoming...
Why no, it was my wizard. Or was it my Episcopalian minister? When the gay advocate falls back on the boogeyman of how evil religion is to grasp...
I wish it was comedy my friend. While the case has yet to be heard, the momentum is definitely on the side of overturning death penalty sentences...
What would a Democrat do in the White House today in terms of the war on terror? I honestly don't know. I could speculate, but I can't be sure....
Latest news from the Big Brother front. Almost half the states allow persons under the age of 18 to be executed. This has been the laws in these...
Do you know wherefrom gay marriage will be born? Maybe that's not clear to you. It's not going to happen at the ballot box or referendum. It's...
I'd say that is a bit of speculation on what Gore would have done post 9-11? I'm no Gore fan, I think he's an imbecile when it comes to his...
The 10th Amendment reserves all rights not mentioned in the first nine to the states and the people. I know we fought a War to eliminate the...
How ignorant centuries of Americans have been. Deprived of the luxuriating, yet enlightening half-hour sit-coms and other legitimate sources of...
Doubt that will get to the Supreme Court level. But who knows what those Conservative Republican Justices better known as Souter, Stevens,...
Just once I want to see Bush and the Republican majority get fillibustered for not spending, rather than spending too little in the Democratic...
What speculation? Yes, I'm wondering about Dick Cheney. I'm wondering why he avoided service in Vietnam yet now holds himself out as a warhorse....
Yeah, the old warhorse Dick Cheney. He'll fight for Halliburton and the rights of his lesbian daughter, but don't ask him to fight for his...
Why would we attack Mexico? Its the Bush plan to attract the best and brightest of Mexico by opening the borders and then apologizing to Fox for...
I'm eager to hear from self-styled conservatives how President Bush's economic policies match up with the conservative position. How does his...
I don't know about sacks. Don't know what they keep investments in offshore accounts in, burlap bags maybe? I guess we would have to actually...
From a social, legal, political, dare I say religious and rational viewpoint, the definition of marriage has been between one man and one woman....
John Kerry today pledge to only appoint Justices to the Biggest Brother of them all, the Supreme Court, who will uphold abortion rights. A bold...
I didn't say the tax cuts only help the rich. Up to you or anyone else to guess what I implied. Here is what I posted. "The wealthiest...