From the everyone knew it was false $400m projection to now an estimate of $540m. Here's a safe guess, the $540m is low also. Thank goodness we...
I think it works this way. There is a matter of character, value, moral, decency, whatever you want to call it. Naturally a politician is going...
Typical of Big Business. Boeing wants to deny overtime to their employees who are ex-military under the new overtime regulations. Typical of Big...
Neither do I affiliate with. I'm not anti one party or the other either. Obviously I'm anti the O'Connor Court because they care about only 2...
I smell a Civil War battle brewing. Slavery was wrong. Period. Anyone who tries to wiggle otherwise is wrong also. But as a southerner circa the...
I see. Well if a Republican does it then it must not be a value worth keeping. A value is only as good as its political advocate. I still say...
Administrative nightmare? That's an understatement. Starting with who is the defendant?
Tauzin must not be married? Otherwise he'd follow the lead of Gramm, Harkin and Daschle and let his wife take that job so he can continue...
Hell, I didn't know that was the standard. I wouldn't have participated in a discussion with you had interest been a criteria after I read your...
Jackpot! We have a winner, and I doubt he knows he bought a ticket. Keywords: Political issue. I would suggest you put aside your political...
Laws can only exist with government. Then again, I guess You and I can come up with some laws between ourselves and I guess enforce it physically...
I wish it was nonsense. In fact, I figured it would be found to be nonsense, but both were decided otherwise by the O'Connor Court. Nothing was...
First, if it has roots in religion, it doesn't make it wrong. The secular police are the most vicious in the world if you look at history....
I didn't believe the Supreme Court would find a right to buggery in the Constitution. I didn't believe the Supreme Court would find diversity, an...
Don't worry? Mistake. The current US Supreme Court is the most undemocratic and anti-Constitution ever. The Warren Court gets criticized for...
I'd refer you to the Weekly Standard article this week. I know its considered a conservative rag, but its a very interesting article, more...
I'm not sure whether the President should be on the internet more often or not. I know the internet greatly increases productivity at work....
I didn't comment on your chosen sexuality one way or the other. In fact, I assumed you may have a female roommate and neighbor. You are...
I'm not surprised you are confused. Read Kennedy's opinion in Lawrence. Read O'Connor's opinion in the retarded death penalty decision. These...
So Dick Cheney has a B.A. and M.A. Good for him. I'll note he earned those hard-earned degrees during the time period of the Vietnam War. I...