This is my source for LSU news. If there is any news worth reading on other sites most people here will post the links to them. I also limit my...
Which one of the following ranked teams will lose to an unranked team for week 1? Northern Illinois at #1 Ohio State #2 Notre Dame at Georgia...
Everything seemed fine to me. Keep us posted with your publishings.
I haven't been an LSU fan as long as some on the board but the two I remember the most is Georgia 03 and the blue grass miracle. I was watching...
Thanks I don't really like watching any baseball other than LSU but my wife and I enjoy a game yesterday. Georgia vs. NY I think.
I have to leave a note on my door because they would get stolen. Just recently I've had my city issued garbage can stolen. I got my tickets via...
I was watching the Saints-Tenn game tonight but I didn't notice if he was in the game or not. Does anyone by chance know if he got any pt tonight?
I hope we start seeing that a lot on Sundays for years to come.
Seems like this kind of stuff is being reported a little more lately. I feel like every day I list to 1210AM or come here I see someone new being...
Just finished watching thanks for the heads up on that. Man I can't wait for some football.:lsup:
I'll be staying with the in-laws in a travel trailer. Luckily i happen to like the in-laws; especially since they are paying for the tickets
I made it to the BAMA game last year and had a great time. The first half was kind of hard to sit through. This year I'm going to make the trip to...
It's no wonder one of Stanford's mascot was fired for being drunk at a basketball game. You need a valid excuse for wearing that thing.
Home of the fighting Artichokes...what does a fighting artichoke do? Get lodged in your throat. My vote is for South Carolina but I'm not too...
Ha thanks for the link that was pretty funny.
I had two of four - LSU and Florida. Kansas and North Carolina were my other two I did real bad with those picks.
I've learned about people like this in my psych. class. I believe you have penis envy.
Voted - That should be the clear round 2 winner. There is still a lot of basketball to played so any buzzer beaters from here on will probably win it.
Time? Sorry at work and can't catch it.