As much as I agree with the sentiment that States need more rights to self-determination, the Supreme Court is there to be the final authority on...
Ah, but if the smoke is made up out of the blue, is it really smoke, or fog? Or some kind of mist-creature, waiting to strike? My vote is...
So I take it you didn't read the link then. I hope you don't know anyone who works in a daycare....
That is interesting. I will google it and see if the text is up somewhere. See, we are getting somewhere now :thumb:
I see God as more of a wine guy myself...
So how do you know what the early Christians did before the bible was penned? The bible is our only account of them, right? If you are a believer,...
My motivations are to create discussion, as per the entire reason this forum exists. The only record you have of god's word is in the bible....
By that criteria, we both have the same Jesus. Except mine likes fruity cocktails :lol::lol::lol:
Wow. Just wow. Please get onto my other religion threads. You are priceless.
Although I would love to have the evil among us snuffed out, the fact is that the courts get it wrong so often that many innocent people also get...
So where do the other rules of faith come from if not the bible? And once again you have not explained why my understanding is errant. Every time...
Funny :) Although asking questions to people who base their lives on a conceptual being that nobody on earth has ever seen, heard, or touched...
My beliefs have nothing to do with the validity of the question. I like asking tough questions to Christians. Sue me. If all of the...
Do you have his email address? Threads on religion get the place lively, and it is interesting to me.
One of the best movies ever made. "Who's motorcycle is this?" "It's not a motorcycle baby, it's a chopper" "Who's chopper is this?" "It's...
The bible says that "All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of god". "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the...
I'm not thinking it would affect the way they make crappy beer.
Ewwwww, would you really want to witness a castration in public? I don't think I'd be able to stop wincing and grabbing my area in a protective...
Living right according to your standards. Why are your standards more sensible than anyone elses? If you don't like porn, don't buy it. What is...