Sorry guys, but no matter what your faith is, ID has no place being taught in our public...
JohnLSU, I am not really understanding where you are going with this... Are you saying that someone is trying to pass a law making this type of...
I think it would be stupider to pass laws forbidding stupidity.
Sorry for the delay I-like, I must've missed your post when I was scanning through the thread... I'm only going on how god is portrayed in the...
Hell, look at the Duke "rapists". Prosecutors get it wrong all of the time. Just ask poor OJ. (kidding, kidding)
I don't know, she's gotten her name out to a national audience. As a budding singer, any publicity is good publicity. I think what she did was...
Good point. Gotta put something on when you are reporting news 24/7.
I don't understand why anyone cares what a singer at a Denver Mayor's meeting does, or why this is national news.
The Christian tradition, done in the way that Jesus truly intended, is a very good force in this world, and I am thankful for the words of Jesus,...
Gotta be careful with that white lightnin'
Gotcha, thanks for the info. Sounds like a pretty crappy deal to me.
Since I'm out of state, I have not been following this issue as much as you guys, but is a raise from like 16k to 32k that unreasonable? I'm hate...
Anyways I figure that there will be lots of beer and bbq in hell. I can get by on that.
You don't have to be a liberal to not want innocent people to die, do you? I am a libertarian. That is about as polar opposite to liberalism as...
That's interesting. I don't really know much about the teachings of the Catechism. Maybe that'll be my next step in my religious musings.
<sigh> I know you are not intending to insult me, but cmon man.
Some of the stuff about the gnostics was actual historic fact. The rest was fiction. I'd say it was 75% incorrect.
Imprisonment = reversible. New techniques in forensics are still be improved upon and are able to exonerate people. Death = irreversible....
It's ok, I don't believe you were purposefully intending to insult me. Just sounded a little "iffy" to me when I read it. :wink: