It's funny that you don't see the irony of your own arrogance and inhumility displayed in this sentence. What if I had told you "maybe it is the...
Cool, then we agree on more than the fact that A. Busch beer sucks :lol: So you are saying the standards of proving that something exists do not...
Another issue I have with this bill is that it is going to be struck down by the Supreme Court after a lengthy and expensive challenge by the ACLU...
My "wow" was aimed at the "male-dominated" statement. If you believe that, you haven't met my wife. :shock: It is an attempt to find meaning in...
Umm, no. You are putting words in my mouth. I am advocating the ID not be taught science class, because it is not science. Period. Evolution has...
What kind of scientist? I worked in a lab as well, so you'll have to excuse me if I don't assume scientist because of the word "lab". I can assume...
Let me fix this sentence: you are pushing an agenda which seeks to replace wishful thinking with reality. Are you implying that faith should have...
Hopefully simpler than understanding what this sentence means. Of course complexities are a result of not understanding the true nature of the...
Wow. How is this relevant to ID vs. Evo? What minority is that? Cajun? And thanks for the complement, but I don't think I'm smarter than the...
Of course we can't observe the evolution of man from a previous being. It took millions of years. What we can do is observe rapidly reproducing...
That's fine. I can live with that. That's not my problem with ID. ID may be an acceptable philosophy for the origins of pre-Big Bang existence. I...
Wrong. Evolution has already been proven as fact. There is no legitimate debate on this. There is only a debate of ignorance vs. reality. We have...
By the way, I forgot to ask: If the Universe is so complex as to indicate the presence of a Creator, then the Creator would have to be that...
We are getting way off topic, but whatever. How do you pick which if the 9,999 creation myths to choose from? ID isn't taken anymore seriously...
Well, seeing as there has not been a new refinery built since 1976 (Marathon Oil in Garyville, LA) , I'd have to imagine it is not because of lack...
I think the reason that people thing that "the left" is responsible for the lack of new refineries is this: Most environmental groups are left...
This is ridiculous circular logic. 1. God creates Universe. 2. Science explains Universe. So obviously, Science explains God. Yes,...
Creationists are correct when they state that science doesn't know for sure where the origins of the universe came from. There are good working...
And there you go. You have shown in one sentence that you have no clue what evolution is or how it works. You have also shown that you have no...
If you seriously believe that there is no evidence of evolution, then you know absolutely nothing about biology. We have observed evolution with...