Kind of ironic that when Tyrone Nix was a player, his Defensive Coordinator was John Thompson.
The curse spreads to the West Coast. Nice. Although when I think back to the Mora era, I seem to remember the Saints frequently being ahead of...
Your reasons being....
Tyrone Nix is an outstanding coordinator and a class act. I was at USM when he was a player. Nasty nasty nasty hitter. His younger brother,...
Bob Barr is the Libertarian candidate. This piece on him by the Onion made me laugh... "Issues: (1995–2007) Trying to control the faith,...
Neither. I'm voting for Bob Barr.
This guy is a 9/11/ "truther". To me, this automatically discredits anything else he has an opinion about.
You said you were "coming from the opposite position" of me, concerning the issue of letting babies die when they survive abortion. I said "no,...
No you aren't. Well, I wouldn't imagine this happens very often... I don't know what happens to them. Hopefully if they can live, and aren't...
Agreed. Agreed. Agreed. I don't think anyone here is really arguing against that.
I agree 100%. Any baby surviving an abortion should have full human rights and protections. That's not what I have been arguing against. I'm...
This could've happened somewhere in the world, yes. However, this ladies story does not add up. Well, where was her proof? Two women who are...
Did I say that? No. Did I say that the woman's story was impossible BS in this case? Yes. You are trying to strawman me. I never said that...
The part about justifying Obama's vote is irrelevant to what I was arguing, by the way. I don't know why Obama voted like he did, and I don't...
If babies are left to die in an area where almost every member of the IT, Housekeeping, Sales, Food Services, Nursing, Temps, and Tech staff has...
So out of the 50-100 Doctors and nurses that worked that unit, only these two saw anything like that. And it's just a coincidence that these two...
So if my "rant" makes no sense, then would you care to offer a counter-opinion, other than an ad-hominem? Since you seem to be a little...
Well, this kind of blows the original topic up... Iraq...
Just so you know something about the author of this article, Jill Stanek, and why she is a nutcase not to be taken seriously by anyone with an IQ...
I hate both of them as well, but just wanted to point out that your original argument was also a "he said she said". Carry on...