Just to reference the airplane thing: http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-airline-felonies20-2009jan20,0,5468299.story "A...
Yeah, probably one of those things that will be used in the future as a political shakeup. For some reason I was thinking it had already been...
So why did Bush wait until two weeks before leaving office to do this? Let's use a little reason.... "The Bush administration has delivered a...
Obama is not taking away states rights. It is both branches of Congress would pass this bill. Obama would sign it into law. Obama does not make...
The cost to taxpayers having to pay for food, housing, and education of low income children far exceeds the cost of an abortion. You are going to...
It'll probably need to be changed a bit.
Yeah, that's my problem with the bill. I also think that minors should have a parent's consent. They would need it for any other medical...
So do most of you think that abortion is murder, regardless of when it is done?
The problem is that that the "War on Terror" is a perpetual war, like the "War on Drugs". I don't know how you declare victory over "Terror"....
You right. Looks like it is because we do not recognize the sovereignty of the Cuban govt.
Not sure I understand what point you are making here... Is this a rhetorical question, with the answer being the media or something? This is not...
US Military bases are considered US soil.
Did you happen to see the missile strikes today against terrorists in Pakistan? On his third day of office? Does that not send a message?
If I was a country who had a possibly shady civilian detained for years, and then suddenly let go to return home, I would think he was a spy and...
If John is like any of the people at those protests, he probably hasn't seen the inside of the shower in quite some time......
How bout we dress them up like Rabbi's and parachute them back into Taliban controlled Afghanistan? "Here's your boys back!"
I was going back to the discussion on respect of the Executive Institutions. Sorry to jump around on you.
Bush would have shut it down once he realized the damage it was doing to America's reputation, and the lack of effectiveness of the program, but...
I'm fairly certain that shutting down Guantanimo doesn't mean that they are going to be set free. It's like saying if they shut down Angola then...
So why is only the President (Executive) of the US to be respected, but not the Governor (Executive)? But I should have said that Katrina helped...