Well, in the case of Moses and the 10 Commandments, the 3000 were killed for breaking god's law about idolatry, even though the law was freshly...
While I agree that these people are animals, not worthy of breathing, I'm a little mixed on my opinion about this, because I think that the...
I do understand, but I don't agree with the comparison. If you were truly to compare god of the OT to the actions of your father, then your father...
I'm not claiming any special knowledge, other than what is logical and can be perceived by the senses. If my rejection of the supernatural sounds...
A rhetorical question is not really a question.
Yeah, I saw that one as well. Made me sick. I think I'm finally going to get a conceled handgun license, because you never know when you will...
Oh wow, I saw the same story on the Dallas news and thought the exact same thing. I think she was still in shock, and was saying what she thought...
Not that it changes your point, but technically the beginning is Alpha, the end is Omega. Carry on.
How is it just to condemn all of mankind for one man and woman eating a fruit? How was it just to send a flood to kill every man, woman, and...
By the way, Salty and Supa, neither of you has shown anything that refutes my characterization of god in the Old Testament as a genocidal, hateful...
What bothers me is that Christians believe that 80-90% of the population on earth are going to suffer eternally, and then wonder why other people...
So then you agree with Supa that parts of the bible are just allegory, and not to be taken literally? That's a big step for you. Good for you.
Way to dismiss all discussion without offering any counterpoint or opinion of value. A great debating tactic for someone who has no answer. Ok,...
Where did I claim "clairvoyant knowledge". Are you serious? I only wish you could see the delicious irony of this statement. Here, this should...
So by saying this, you agree with the killing of unbelievers, right? Would you kill me, Salty, for saying there is no god? Even though I am a good...
Here is what I said ""I Not that I'm crying over these things, and of course noone is going to stone me, but there is very certainly an...
How is god incapable of evil? Is genocide not evil? gods actions in the Old Testament are the pure definition of evil.