Cut it out for 60 days and then take a sip. You'll be amazed at how sweet it is and it makes you wonder how you ever drank a whole can. I still...
You're going to have a hard time supporting anyone if you don't vote for liars.
Abortion is not a key factor to me. It's not like a president can change abortion laws unilaterally. Science denying doesn't affect me much...
I don't think Rubio is bad but I don't know too much about him. he performed well in the debate. Fiorina is good simply because she's a woman...
I don't think so but that wouldn't be a bad ticket.
Mostly the endless appeals from what I've read. There are some good breakdowns on the topic if you want to research.
Death sentences are more expensive than life in prison.
I gotcha. that is a good thing.
but don't get me wrong, he could be the guy. I just feel like I learned nothing about him last night.
Who cares? That ship has sailed. When they're handing out marriage licenses in podunk South Louisiana, victory has been had.
He didn't actually say anything though, just touted his record, or the high points anyway.
Trump isn't Perot. And jesus christ did I really write "when" instead of "win"? That's embarrassing.
He won't do it because he's not going to waste money on a race he couldn't possibly win. He slipped up and said it last night. It's all about...
I don't remember a word she said but she was fantastic!
They were definitely gunning for him. He won't even be in the race by the time votes are cast.
You'll never get the chance to vote for him so it doesn't matter.
I liked rubio more. But other than his consumption tax, Huckabee is sharp. The tax plan kills me though. Can't vote for him.
Flat tax makes him an idiot in my book. Plus he's weak on foreing policy imo.
I just want one of these guys to admit they're an atheist. You can't tell me there's not one closet atheist up there.
Total isolationism? It's naive and idealistic.