That's the connection I don't make. How does this agreement lead us to war?
Who would want a conflict with Iran right now? I have no problem with him not wanting to fight that battle.
So I guess this strikes at the heart of it. I don't understand why it will be easier in ten years if this deal is done than if it isn't. What I...
Can someone explain the republican argument that the Iran deal ensures Iran will have a bomb very soon? From what I can tell it does nothing that...
I have an FB account and I check it to keep up with a few friends. I don't think I've ever sent out a friend request and I post probably once or...
If sumlin can recruit and Chavis can coach, they'll be good. Third and chavis will always be an issue as he deemphasizes the pass rush.
You'll see the lesser candidates start to get desperate and do anything for attention. It should get fun.
Exactly. And they wouldn't have had even 24 hours. The ASU game was totally different. Way more time to prepare.
That's not how drugs work.
Good idea. We can destroy our kids dreams unless they're willing to ruin their bodies with drugs.
She's in jail where she belongs. When she gets tired of eating the food, she'll resign, write a book, and get on the christian speaking circuit....
Do you buy your funds online? Vanguard?
That's good timing, but over the long run, in all likelihood, you'll have a hard time outperforming an index fund.
These stories are almost always lies.
Ouch Supa, he's not even here to defend himself.
TCU OSU Auburn Oregon
It's not really gone. Hell casino royale may still have the 100x odds. I think the older dingier casinos will have better odds but Steve Wynn...
I'm pretty sure you can get anything you want.
I agree, although I would argue blackjack tables are acceptable as well. The bigger travesty is that casinos are going to 2x odds on craps and 6...
Well the truth is you didn't do it right. Vegas is a crazy place but not crazy enough to make people willing to pay $500 for a bottle of vodka...