Sure it wan't Little Finger?
Very well could be. I'm talking specifically about the policies that these guys generally buy that protect their future earnings against injury....
McGahee's policy didn't pay out. Those policies are for injuries that totally prevent you from playing. McGahee played a few years in the NFL....
Ted Cruz is a jackass. I can get behind that statement.
Penn wagers was worse
Me either. That's why we paid the doorman to skip the line when I went in 2011.
It's his first year. Once he's in there for 3-4 years and doesn't teach rushing technique, those numbers will go down.
an eye for an eye may be the most misunderstood part of the Bible. That is not what Jesus preached.
Yeah dude, that shit's weird. I hardly ever post on facebook or twitter but if I did, it wouldn't be to tell random female friends they look good.
No idea. When is the election.
Scott Walker is dropping out. I wonder how is six tenths of one percent will split up among the other candidates.
If there's an NFL coach who knows how to use timeouts, I haven't seen it.
You have to get past the word "commit". If you can do that, you'll enjoy it again.
Pretty sure it went like this... committed to indiana committed to LSU committed to ND attended ND attended Cincinnati
I turned the debate off at 9 PM. apparently near the end, Trump said vaccines cause autism. Okay, fine, whatever, he's an idiot, nothing to see...
I actually agree with you but he's got to at least familiarize himself with generalities of foreign affairs. That quote works on a high complex...
Ranking the guys in order of how impressed I was by them this time around. 1. Kasich - seems like a moderate and a guy who will reason things...
The only conspiracy theory I could remotely think has something to it is the JFK thing. Everything else seems so far fetched. While I don't...
This is nonsensical. You argue that because we make it harder to develop a nuke, they will develop a nuke?